Friday, June 3, 2016

#MOJO2016 Single Review

Hello blog readers,

RetroGrav here with a review on the upcoming project single review on the album "#MOJO2016" from the group MOJO.  This is a hip-hop rap group from Houston, Texas that is debuting there album #MOJO2016 this year. Currently there are two singles out which I am about to review.

The first single is titled "Co-Sign" is an aggressive rap hip-hop track that screams epic. The lyrics are very honest and open "Ain't Got No Time For These Bitches" is a true statement. This is the type of song that the mainstream rap industry needs and brings rap back to what its been missing for years. My rating for this track is 9 out of 10. 

And then there is the second single "Wait For It" another song that has a fairy tale story telling type of dark rap beat. In my opinion I would prefer this as a B-Side single to Co-Sign because it is perfect as an album track because it is transitional and feels like a filler song but in a good way. But maybe this will be on the album as a track I might just got to "Wait For It". ;) My Rating for this song is 7 out of 10. 

Overall, this is a pretty good start for MOJO I think he could go very far if Co-Sign is promoted heavy it is a really good rap song as a lead song. This is just a sneak preview of what I think #MOJO2016 is all about and there probably is something even more exciting on this project to come. We just have to wait for it!

Thank you for reading!

Feel free to request a review on music or if you want me to talk about something else I am open to ideas.

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